Barron Field Experience
Barron Field Experience
Reason (...then we take Berlin)

Reason (...then we take Berlin)

'And we give to dominant opinion the strength of a strange beauty.'

Listen keenly as the three Barrons raise two cheers for the middle-age of reason (spoiler: it’s not Descartes’ fault; it’s yours!). Meillassoux, Brassier, Thoreau’s laundry, À la recherche du temps perdu…, everyone gets a look under the covers at the mother’s tongue exciting the cunning of reason. It’s a brand-new musical biscuit, a Baronial odyssey, from the river to the sea.

Note: (A field of hedgehogs were slaughtered in the making of this film.)

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Barron Field Experience
Barron Field Experience
Three Barrons and the Truth(s)