Barron Field Experience
Barron Field Experience
On Education (no fucks given)

On Education (no fucks given)

By Transmission

Listen as the Barron Field Experience splits your bad faith good conscience in two. In this episode the Barrons uneducate the educated, corrupt the corruption, deskill the scholastics and Socratise the craven all the while running a cold eye over, under and between the lines of what you profess to know. The Prussians, free market, big pharma pedagogical pipeline is blown to Sadean proportions, scattered to the Platonic winds and returned on the new school tide. The Barrons set fire to the cap and gown clowns and sterilise the desktops demanding, finally, that one more effort atopians if you would be an education by truths.

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Barron Field Experience
Barron Field Experience
Three Barrons and the Truth(s)